US Gov't MASS ARRESTS Political Dissidents Protesting US Gov't

People around the world are currently standing up to their corrupt governments, banks & politicians. While corporate media ignores the significance of today's GLOBAL call for accountability, for those who have forsaken Human Rights for profit & for profiteers; The People of France are rising up against their recently increasing Police State

The People of Iceland just ousted their Prime Minister & continue to protest for (another) cleanup & restructuring of government, after the Panama Papers revealed him to be one of the global OLIGARCHS defrauding his own people for personal profit, while holding an office which comes with a vow to serve & protect those very people --- a global trend which is being exposed worldwide at this very moment

Democracy Spring has shown that when protesters against government corruption in the USA take their VOICE to the steps of their highest government building --- those very criminal OLIGARCHS responsible for defrauding & selling into debt-slavery the domestic & global population at their own personal financial profits --- they simply abuse their own corrupt police forces to fraudulently MASS ARREST citizens who are arriving with a legitimate grievance
Meanwhile these criminal OLIGARCHS & their corrupt police forces (which by inflicting MASS ARREST are themselves, committing crimes against the citizenry) simply abuse the rights of those who call out the corrupt, with an air of seeming impunity; It's a pretty great system --- if you are in fact, a Criminal OLIGARCH 

However, their time is running out & The People are waking up, more & faster than ever. The People are showing up to TAKE our POWER back & to PROTECT our RIGHTS against an increasingly obvious out of control, corrupt government 


Indiscriminate mass arrests were designated a war crime in 1944 by a Commission on war crimes created by the London International Assembly. This was one of two items added by that Commission to the list of war crimes that had been drawn up by the Commission on the Responsibility of the Authors of the War and on Enforcement of Penalties in 1919. Specifically, "indiscriminate mass arrests for the purpose of terrorizing the population" were designated as war crimes by the Commission.[18]

At the Netherlands temporary court martial in 1947, several members of the tokkeitai in the Netherlands East Indies were accused of the war crime of indiscriminate mass arrests. The applicable legislation, used by the court, was the NEI Statute Book Decree #44 of 1946, whose definition of war crimes paralleled the Commission's list. Specifically, item #34 of the enumerated list of war crimes under the NEI legislation was "indiscriminate mass arrests for the purpose of terrorising the population, whether described as taking hostages or not"

The court understood the definition of such unlawful mass arrests to be as "arrests of groups of persons firstly on the ground of wild rumours and suppositions, and secondly without definite facts and indications being present with regard to each person which would justify his arrest". To this it added commentary on indiscriminate mass arrests that are for the purpose of terrorizing the populace, stating that they "contained the elements of systematic terrorism for nobody, even the most innocent, was any longer certain of his liberty, and a person once arrested, even if absolutely innocent, could no longer be sure of health and life" [19]

a Violent Authoritarian Regime
clings to Ill-Gotten & Corrupt Power by using
Violence & Intimidation against its own People
 The US Government's Violent Assaults on Occupy Wall Street
coordinated Coast to Coast by
in 2011)


Cannabis buds are shown on first day of legal recreational
marijuana sales last October in Portland, Ore.
(Steve Dipaola/Reuters)

A group of 22 medical experts convened by Johns Hopkins University and The Lancet have called today for the decriminalization of all nonviolent drug use and possession. Citing a growing scientific consensus on the failures of the global war on drugs, the experts further encourage countries and U.S. states to "move gradually toward regulated drug markets and apply the scientific method to their assessment"

Their report comes ahead of a special UN General Assembly Session on drugs to be held next month, where the world's countries will re-evaluate the past half-century of drug policy and, in the hope of many experts, chart a more public health-centered approach going forward

In a lengthy review of the state of global drug policy, the Hopkins-Lancet experts conclude that the prohibitionist anti-drug policies of the past 50 years "directly and indirectly contribute to lethal violence, disease, discrimination, forced displacement, injustice and the undermining of people’s right to health." 

Most Americans NOW Know:
the US Gov't Lied About 9/11

Click this link to see the
 BBC somehow report the
collapse of WTC building 7


This one shows the 47 story
skyscraper (not struck by a plane)
implode in just 7 seconds
The People Are Waking Up to Government Lies


US GOV'T War-Propaganda Against Syria Proves False [VIDEO]

On the White House's audacious claims of "Common-Sense" in lieu of "Evidence": When we've been repeatedly LIED to and deceived by war making politicians, who are funded by weapons manufacturers and western central bankers, we'll need more than the worthless words of professional liars before we're willing to let them wage ONE single more WAR in our names

Common Sense:

When the US & UK governments are notorious for LYING about "evidence" for WAR - they now have to provide ACTUAL "evidence" of their claims. If Assad is the one responsible for the gas, PROVE that. Common-sense dictates it as a necessity BEFORE waging war, especially when the aggressive military actions being discussed, are being discussed by governments who currently have ZERO credibility


The US has been desperate to invade IRAN for decades and is well aware of IRAN's defense treaty with Syria. The US was also quick to blame Assad for chemical attacks earlier this year - which quickly turned out to be gas attacks by the "rebel" forces. Why so quick to act? They want to invade IRAN. They've wanted to for a long time

* Google "7 countries in 5 years"
then turn OFF your television

* search YouTube for "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" to learn more of the backstory - and what this war-push is really all about

"Fool Me once, shame on you. Fool Me twice ..."

US & NATO Advance Long-Planned Overthrow of Syria with Same Lies & Tactics as in Iraq, Libya, elsewhere

If the US Government's war propaganda against Syria sounds familiar it may be because it's the same war-starting strategy used to invade, overthrow, and exploit many other sovereign nations in recent years. Libya was a western war of aggression to overthrow the most successful and independent nation on the African continent [click the this link to learn why] -- one with a DEBT-FREE currency, rather than the preferred debt-based currency entrapment of western central banking practices 

Libya's people were truly more 'free' than western nations in a very literal sense. They had no debt built in to their currency. Such a system is a clear economic threat to western banking practices, which rely on creating debt 

In 1975, the CIA admitted to using the mainstream media
to manipulate the thoughts and ideas of American citizens

Click HERE  for more on CIA propaganda against US citizens
Ours is a system of debt-creation, plus interest. An obvious insanity to any real world economist. An obvious debt-enslavement of the people to the private interests that the majority of American taxes go to. It's an economic scheme of wealth transfer upward, but this is another topic (which we've already covered in depth)

In short, Islamic banking forbids the usury which currently enslaves the people of western nations, with or without our knowledge of real world economics. This is in part, the reason Libya was able to build itself into a modern socialist success story. A story that some powerful western capitalists desperately wanted to rewrite, while keeping Gaddafi from exposing the charade of western economics - as he was doing a very good job of prior to his overthrow and assassination

Gaddafi's approval rating was much higher than any branch of the US government and his security detail was minimal while traveling within his own country. Western governments without nearly his approval ratings told the world he was a tyrant who must be ousted, however 

In fact, he provided for his people with a focus on equality which promised to house every citizen even before housing his own father, who passed away prior to being housed by Gaddafi's commitment to house every citizen. The initiative to do so was considered a matter of civil humanity, and a god given right to shelter in a world whose technology certainly provides more than enough

Insurgent militants from outside of the country were ushered in and armed by covert CIA operations. In particular, the "rebel forces" in Libya (so-called by western/US media) was actually Al Qaeda, according to Gaddafi at the time. His account has since been verified by several mainstream news organizations - but conveniently, only after they worked to advance the US/NATO mission which ended his life and shattered a previously independent and successful culture

Western media told the world that large crowds who took to Libyan streets to show their support for Gaddafi and their sovereign nation against foreign invasion, were anti-Gaddafi protests, and hoped no one would know any better

Western capitalist media outlets lied to the world about what was really taking place in Libya, as the CIA worked to assemble a "rebel force" which as it turns out, was mostly comprised of foreigners, including Al Qaeda - itself a CIA creation, according to many sources including a 2004 BBC documentary which has been mysteriously disappearing from the internet since the CIA recently got caught covering up their covert operations, out of Benghazi, Libya

The most powerful, heavily armed people in the world do not take chances.  They write strategies and scripts years in advance of what they aim to accomplish:

"...we're going to take out seven countries in 
five years, starting with Iraq, and then 
Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan 
and, finishing off, Iran."
with a Pentagon official (prophetically) back in 2007
about what is happening NOW

Don't be fooled again

Conan O'Brien Exposes Mass Media Control

Some people think they are safe from mass-media manipulation and monied PR controls over broadcasting, if they only stick to their local news media coverage. Think again. Every single thing that is broadcast or published, is scripted, bought, and paid for by manipulative & selfish corporate interests

Conan O'Brien has taken to laughing at the script control that capitalist interests have over our national communications systems. Most people do not notice the broad control wielded by corporate interests across local 'news' media because it is localized and therefore, compartmentalized 

When we only have access to our own local 'news' we don't see that the same script is being used across the nation to help sell products, services, fear, racism, anxiety, war, and authoritarian obedience at a level most accurately termed 'mass-media control'

Most hard-working Americans find it hard to believe that even their local media outlets are controlled at the top by very few, yet enormous corporate interests. It has been designed to give the illusion of authenticity. Anchors and 'on-air personalities' are selected through a rigorous process of market-testing to ensure that the public in a location is willing to view them as 'likable' and 'trustworthy' 

These two important traits help the large corporations sell products, services, and government propaganda to the general public, one family at a time. As long as you are willing to trust their 'news-reader' all the giant corporations who pay their salaries have to do, is provide them with what information they'd like you to believe, consume, and repeat

Most Americans see only a friendly face on the screen. Why would that face deceive us? Well, it's not necessarily the job of a 'news-reader' to deceive anyone, but it's also not their job to tell the truth

Their job is to read what script is provided to them in a manner that seems conversational; as though it is naturally coming from themselves. This is the factor of compartmentalization that most outside of the industry never suspect. That's why it works. The 'news-reader' is paid to make someone else's script sound believable and trustworthy, without any requirement necessarily, of truth, relevance, or intent. The intent is always to make money. The only intention of the few, but very large corporations who own and control most US media and communications systems, is to advance their own interests of making money. They are not operating a public service

There simply is no true free press in the US, if there ever was. There is only very expensive press coverage. It serves the interests of the wealthy and the war-mongering. Corporate press exists to advance corporate interests, including the corporate interests of the US government

Some may think;
'Surely our government would regulate such things...?'

These are the people who still somehow believe that there is a government. This is not the case now, if ever it was. The government is an enormous enforcement arm of corporate policy, and has been for quite some time. It is also, as it stands today, nothing but a for-profit conglomerate of giant US for-profit corporations 

The corporate US government uses corporate media to manipulate the masses, just as other enormous for-profit corporations do, and just as the 5-company control of Media in the US manipulates the 'government' (which they own) to do its bidding. Such as - destroying earlier laws which kept such concentration of American Communications & Information systems into so few hands, illegal

When BRIBERY becomes normalized as 'business' in Washington (or anywhere) CORRUPTION is the obvious outcome, and it is always at the expense of the people

Regardless of who is planting the stories, the angles, the spin, the marketing disguised as 'news' - the 'likable' news-reader is but a paid performer. They collect a check for reading corporately produced scripts and making them sound believable so that the public will accept it as truth, believe it and repeat it. Welcome to The Matrix. Now, would you like to keep being used and manipulated, or will you separate yourself from the programming?

Media-Government Collusion For War & Power
"In 2005, the Bush White House admitted to producing videos that were designed to look like news reports from legitimate independent journalists - and then feeding those reports to media outlets as prepackaged reports, ready to air on the evening news. When the Government Accountability Office ... READ MORE

So You Say You Want a Revol... a Solution?

     All of the technologies presented within this video [below] are not only available today, but have been available for decades. Equality never limits possibilities. Equality eliminates the needs of all people. It is not a lack of resources on Earth, that has lead to the starving deaths of about 30,000 children every single day, non-stop war under non-stop re-branding of 'the ever-present threat' of the day, violent crime, mental and emotional illness, carcinogenic pollution, domestic violence, substance abuse, alcoholism - and it's not the institutional lie of 'inherent human evil' either. It is the feudalistic forced servitude of our current socio-economic systems, particluarly the human devaluation through debt-slavery; a system forced upon natural born human beings by the armed insistence that claimed financial wealth determines who eats and who starves. 

Richard Wilkinson's life work proves in flat fact, that the greater the perceived disparity gaps through a society, the greater the ills of individuals within that society - on every measurement: stress, depression, anxiety, life expectancy, illness, prison populations, drug-abuse, teen pregnancy, violence, infant mortality, and more. The general consensus within a society on the value of human life, essentially determines the health and quality of life for each individual within that society. For more detail, click on the link provided.

"Utopia, if it's ever established, will die - will stagnate. Whereas, what I'm talking about - an evolving culture, or an emerging culture - I have no notions of a perfect society. I don't know what that means. I know we can do much better than what we've got. I'm no Utopian. I'm not. I'm Humanist - I would like to see everyone living in warmth and harmony. I know that if we don't live that way, we'll kill each other and destroy the Earth." ~ Engineer, Jacques Fresco

We submit as proof of Jacques' assertation; the current state of human affairs across the planet Earth, during what we have the audacity to declare as a time of human "civilization".

A government of for-profit corporations will never willingly let go of their armed control over the land and the people. The technologies presented by Jacques Fresco of The Venus Project, have long been known to world governments. Technologies that free the people from corporate need are often suppressed by those corporations who have the most to 'lose' financially from better technological implementation. The monetary system is collapsing, as Jacques Fresco predicted. As he explains, it could have only happened as it is happening now; global economic implosion. Much of his part in the above posted video, is from a 2004 interview. Some is from an interview as old as 1974.

The only way to a truly free society, is to remove all of the corruption, by removing all of the power of the corrupt, along with societal motivations to be unfair to others. The Earth has enough for everyone. The funny thing about 'property rights' is that, when they are enforced by the corrupt, the claimed property usually has a way of ending up in fewer hands over time. More property for fewer people is less Earth provisions for the more people. This is how debt-slavery begins.

The current socio-economic American led system of capitalism, is collapsing. Anyone who understands modern currency creation and basic math knows that it cannot and will not recover. It is designed only to inflate, and the Fed has done everything possible to expand the inflation of the dollar beyond all previously imaginable limits - and mostly in secret. They have been purposely deflating the value of the currency, secretly printing more money than the entire national debt - and giving it to banks.

The people of the United States will have to pay the Fed back the secret $16 TRILLION given for free to banks (instead of paying off the national debt with it) plus interest. The majority of the US national debt is owed by the people of the United States, to the Federal Reserve Bank. Regardless of this elaborate banking scheme which defrauds entire nations of people - that we submit to such antiquated belief systems in the first place, is the greater social dysfunction.

Money is nothing but a tool. It is being used by the wealthy to continually power-grab through debt and property claims from the masses of poor, working class people. That's how it was designed, and that's how it has been implemented, at the least since the founding of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913, just one-hundred years ago. But money is nothing more than an idea. It's a fictitious value system which has worked to perpetuate a world of corruption, deception, war, fear, violence, illness, and waste.

Sustainable economics which respects and harmonizes with life on Earth is not only possible, it's long been available. We need only to readjust our belief systems and values if we are to achieve greater than the great fiction made real, of a human world which cannot seem to evolve beyond competition and servitude. The change starts within. The technology waits for us. All things are possible. We must first choose to believe in a better world, if we are to implement one. Belief in equality does not diminish, but enhances our human potential, both as societies and as individuals. Believe in equality. 

For more on the already realized technological 
solutions presented by Jacques Fresco, 

Current USA: Largest Police-State in Human History

FACTS on the Current USA: 
  • More inmates per capita than any other nation on Earth. 
  • For-profit prisons sell slave-labor to other US corporations, who then slash jobs. 
  • Outdone in executions by only China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq, the US is the only nation in the western hemisphere to still claim authority to 'punish' by execution.
  • 3-strikes laws keep non-violent offenders imprisoned; lobbied into law by for-profit, private prison corporations - which have also been caught paying kick-backs (bribes) to judges. 

Oh yeah - and the largest Domestic Spying apparatus ever known to man
Hitler would be amazed. His "Jewish Threat" propaganda's got nothing on our "Terrorist Threat" propaganda. You're still more likely to be struck by lightening than to ever come in contact with an actual terrorist. Most sensationalized news stories of "terrorists caught" actually turn out to be working for the FBI or CIA. Those stories don't seem to settle the public though, not after the impact of their scarier previous versions - where the FBI or CIA informant/asset is reported as an actual terrorist, and the public s#!ts itself. Now THAT sells papers! All of that fear and danger being dispelled by revealing that the FBI is actually responsible for MOST of the reported 'terrorist threats' it ends up taking credit for 'putting a stop to' - this is not profitable information. The media scares the public, for the people in power, who use police agencies, to spy on the public, as well as to scare the public, to increase budgets, and grow police agencies... until apparently, one day there simply is no more 'public'. At this rate the people in power can already listen to you RIGHT NOW if they choose to, and their grip is ever tightening. Keep laughing, America.

We've been too distracted, scared, and overworked to realize what we've been creating of ourselves. Like it or not, by every single standard, the US is currently the absolute largest police-state in human history. The people are so propagandized, we fight against even such a suggestion. Why? What purpose does refusal to consider this such definitive language serve? We are being watched, listened in on, tracked, and monitored in every moment, by the state. The people mock those who dare to point out their chains - and ignore the chains themselves. Authoritarian propaganda has become common language. The majority who fall for it, ridicule those who question it. What did you think it was like to live under authoritarian rule? Did you think the people were led to believe they are being repressed? Of course not. They are taught to viciously and violently defend the status quo.

YES, this IS what a "Police-State" looks like!
TV watchers are the worst off. Radio listeners as well. What they call 'news' is only the NEW talking points of the regime. Ours pretends to have two sides. Equally divided, and therefore equally conquered. They're all playing for the same team in actuality, and those who aren't, don't get to stay long in government. And here we are - all of us - being spied on by the government we were supposed to be watching vigilantly! It is not the job of any government to spy on its people, it is the job of the people to be ever watchful of those working in government. When the government asserts its own fictitious right to keep secrets, there is authoritarianism. When the people assert their true right to privacy - and their true power over the information and architecture of their own government - only then is there liberty.


The US government currently has 'counter-terrorism' files on EVERY SINGLE citizen - and the files grow with every communication you make, every opinion expressed.

Who is a "terrorist"? Today, anti-terrorism hype is being used against political dissidents of all kinds. Protesters are being labeled as "terror threats" by federal forces. When the corporate-state government gets caught spying on journalists, or using its agencies against political groups, their complicit corporate-state media partners help them spin the story. Suddenly, a government abusing power against political dissent within a supposedly free society, becomes a divisive story about partisans using agencies against "liberal" or "conservative groups" - and eventually the public remains evenly divided rather than outraged over governmental abuses and intrusions on speech and dissent. Somehow, through the Boston bombing story, now the US government is attempting to redefine "WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION" as, well, any old bomb. Once upon a time, it was absurd to think that the US government would assert 'executive privilege' can keep a president from being held accountable to Congress, let alone that an executive would assume openly, the authority to assassinate Americans at will, or indefinitely imprison Americans without the right to a fair and speedy trial - but that's exactly what this government has been doing and writing into 'law' in order to make it look like they have the actual authority to do it. They don't. They never did. Nor have they ever been entitled to ignore all international law in regard to the torture of human beings, or respecting the sovereignty of nations. Don't tell THEM that, though. You'll likely end up on a "terrorist watch list". Oh, that's right - you already are!


  [ter-uh-riz-uhm]  Show IPA
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

au·thor·i·tar·i·an adj.
1. Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom: an authoritarian regime.
2. Of, relating to, or expecting unquestioning obedience. See Synonyms at dictatorial.

ASSANGE: The US Gov't is Taking on a Generation & Can Only Lose

"Today we have seen a range of extreme, bellicose statements from the US administration, attempting to bully Russia and other nation's from facilitating Mr. Snowden's asylum. Every person has the right to seek and receive political asylum. Those rights are enshrined in the United Nations agreement - of which the United States is a party.

"It is counterproductive and unacceptable for the Obama administration to try and interfere with those rights. It reflects poorly on the US administration and no self-respecting country would submit to such interference, or such bullying by the US."

[Click PLAY for full press teleconference]

"This morning the US Secretary of State called Edward Snowden a "traitor". Edward Snowden is not a traitor. He is not a spy. He is a whistleblower who has told the public and important truth. The US Secretary of State is wrong in law. In US law a 'traitor' must adhere to US enemies and there is also a requirement that the conduct is in congressionally approved war time. Neither of these, feature here.

"The Obama administration was not given a mandate by the people of the United States to attack and spy upon the entire world, to breach the US Constitution, and the laws of other nations in the manner that it has. To now attempt to violate international asylum law by calling for the rendition of Edward Snowden further demonstrates the break down of the rule of law, by the Obama administration ... 


"It is these problems which are stimulating national security whistleblowers to come forward. If the Obama administration doesn't want government sources to speak to the press, it should stop engaging in conduct which is so outrageous to cause  them to come forward. The charging of Edward Snowden is not a matter of justice. It is an attempt to intimidate any country that might be considering standing up for his right - to tell us all the truth. Such behavior must not be tolerated and will not be tolerated by any self-respecting nation, or by the press at large. Everyone should tell their governments to step forward and to assist Mr. Snowden in his asylum, and the press also has an obligation to do so."

CIA Created Al Qaeda to Fight Proxy Wars

One of the few actual journalists working in America today, Ben Swann takes a look at how the United States government created Al Qaeda, and yet in some countries is still fighting them while in others is supporting them.

Strange how the U.S. creation of Al Qaeda, has become an entity which keeps helping to topple the governments on the Department of Defense's 2001 hit list of countries to takeover through illegal coups or outright warfare: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran ----- Don't You Think ?

 US General Explains Advanced Notice 
of a Decade of Pre-Scripted US War Plans

   UPDATE  Since this article's original publishing  
    the Al Qaeda brand has been compromised    
  leading the CIA to launch the new ISIS brand   

Occupy Albany This Monday For Renewable Energy

Big Statewide Rally Monday:

New York Crossroads Rally & March

Our state is at a crossroads. It's our moment to choose between dirty fracking and clean renewable energy. 
 This is our moment to decide the course of history. Down the path of fracking, we would sacrifice public health and safety, existing localized economies, and even simple property rights. But down the path of sustainable renewable energy, communities would be empowered to pay themselves forward toward a future of promise and purpose, while addressing the climate crisis.

New Yorkers Against Fracking is hosting a day of action at which thousands of concerned citizens will be in Albany to demand that Governor Cuomo say NO to fracking and YES to renewable energy. To convince him and other elected officials that fracking is a non-starter, we need to propose a better idea. Conveniently, a recent study by Cornell and Stanford University scientists proves that we can run our entire state on wind, water, and sun by 2030.

To help spread the word, please do the following:
- Forward this email to your people you know
Share this graphic on Facebook
Share this tweet

We are co-sponsoring this event and urge everyone to attend, even if it's only during your lunch break.

When: Monday, June 17th Noon-3pm
Where: East Capitol Park (front lawn of Capitol)
Please RSVP & invite ALL of your friends!

Media-Government Collusion For War & Power

"In 2005, the Bush White House admitted to producing videos that were designed to look like news reports from legitimate independent journalists - and then feeding those reports to media outlets as prepackaged reports, ready to air on the evening news. When the Government Accountability Office ruled that these fake news reports in fact, constituted illegal covert propaganda, the White House simply issued a memo declaring the practice to be legal." 

"The only recourse the public has, is to turn away from the mainstream media altogether. And that is precisely what is happening."

U.S. Media Assists Gov't Witch Hunt & Distortions - Per Usual [video]

A young man with the world in his hand, gives it all up for the pursuit of Truth & Justice. One brave whistle-blower at the highest levels of secret-government domestic spying programs, stands tall and looks directly into the eyes of the 'super power' of the United States to say, enough is enough; Liberty or death.

While the corporate-state media carries the water - yet again - for a White House who would really like to reframe the topic of authoritarian domestic spying programs, former CIA and NSA contract employee risks his life to take a stand against extraordinary U.S. government fascism. For those unfamiliar with the story, Edward Snowden took extraordinary steps this past week to expose enormous government abuse of power. Particulary, that the United States government's intelligence agencies are spying on every single American. Can this really be so surprising to a people who have just recently found out that, this same government also falsely claims the authority to assassinate citizens at will - without due process, without even providing evidence of the government's claims against said murdered parties?


U.S. corporate-state media helps the White House sell false stories of legitimacy by airing the obviously bias opinions (dressed up as 'legal analysis') of the very government officials who got caught holding the indiscriminate, immoral, and in no way ethical dragnet of intelligence operations aimed at the entire public at large. That the president's friends and other government officials, themselves implicated in this tragic dishonor to the rule of law and the basic Human Right to SOME level of privacy, are filling the airwaves with assertions of their own interpretation of how legitimate their own actions have been - should be an obvious pulling back of the curtain, exposing further the corporate-police-state. Every time these criminals in government get caught, their corporate partners help them sell their stories. Just as every time corporate criminals are caught, their government partners let them off with a slap on the wrist. 

 'The SECRET courts which WE created to justify our enormous police-state 
 domestic spying programs told us we could do it.' - U.S. Government 

 Well, what are the odds of that?! You mean to tell us that your own 
 private courts, which you created and employ, told you it's 'legal' 
 to do whatever you want? Go on... 

The indignant government officials who brazenly defend such an obviously reprehensible secret-police program in the U.S. (the kind that would have impressed Nazi-Germany in the 1940's)  predictably behave with the same old cowardice of shooting the messenger to distract from the message. They expect you to believe that having their secret spy programs against you being exposed, means 'national security' is threatened. Not that national security is threatened by authoritarian regimes who spy on their own people - but that the people KNOWING ABOUT IT has somehow endangered us as a nation. 

They are desperately clinging to any angle that can keep their recently revealed EXTREME ABUSES OF POWER from being seen for what they are. Edward Snowden is not a 'threat' to the United States. He is a threat only to those who have worked very hard - in dark corners - to corrupt the United States and to destroy any semblance of liberty left in this once great nation. Edward Snowden is a hero of the people. Don't let the bastards who got caught - being bastards - tell you otherwise. 

 When GOVERNMENTS collude with CORPORATIONS to SPY on and 'police' the people, the result is an authoritarian type of government known definitively as "fascism". 

Knowing that he gave his life for his country, whistle-blower Snowden said, "You can't come forward against the world's most powerful intelligence agencies and be completely free from risk, because they're such powerful adversaries that no one can meaningfully oppose them. If they want to get you - they'll get you in time." Unlike Bradley Manning who is still facing the wrath of the U.S. government (currently in military trial - after extended periods of isolation) for exposing U.S. war-crimes which every sentient being has a right to know about - Snowden took the opportunity to go public and explain his moral-compass. In the video interview with Glenn Greenwald (above), he tells more about the NSA abuses than the initial story told. He also disassembles the predictable hit-piece propaganda which has been coming out of the White House and their media lackeys. He shows that he is NOT in any way an enemy of the United States, but rather, that he took these actions because he is willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good of the American people.

Controlled Media Supports Corporate-State War Industry

 On the controlled and phony U.S. corporate-state 'news' media:  
"Look at the charade of nightly news. I don't own a t.v. so I only get it in bursts, but I was in the gym the other night, watching Katie Couric - who I find repugnant - but she was on the screen talking about some 29 year old congressman with great abs who was on the cover of Men's Health. I said this is just lunacy and I switched it to NBC and it was the same story. It's funny on the one hand, but for those of us - and I've spent 20 years of my life reporting outside of the United States - it's terrifying. It's absolutely terrifying." - Chris Hedges

CAPITALISM: State-Paid Police Forces
Attacking Their Own People to Support Corporatism [VIDEO]

  Capitalist Police Forces in Turkey Violently Assault Public: 
  Protest Began Peacefully Days Ago to Protect City's Last  
  Green Park From Capitalistic Destruction: Lives Have Been 
  Lost for a Shopping Mall: State-Sanctioned Murder for Money: 
t's long past time
we rethink our logistical systems. Today's economic structures keep us divided, in need, and in the business of war and violence for hire. Human Rights - such as the right to protest, the right to political dissent - are being beaten down with billy clubs around the world as we speak.

The people committing the assault, take oaths to protect the people, but are trained and paid by the corporations and the state (same thing). All of this is due to the simple scam that's been going on for millenia; the wealthy elite hold the world's resources, and starve those unwilling to serve their interests. 
     Their interests are always more for themselves and less for the people. They control the propaganda (media) which supports the usury-based economy. An economy which they have designed, and which they enforce through monetary manipulation and violence. When the people stand up, they are literally beaten down in the streets.
While the people are violently suppressed by paid-police forces, those signing the checks also direct the airwaves. This is what is meant by that famous old saying, "The revolution will not be televised."
Those worth revolting against, are the same who are in control of the communications systems and media outlets. Those systems will always be used by them, in order to squash the rebellion, either by distracting from it, ridiculing it, or ignoring those rebelling - and being beaten - in the streets.

             THIS is what the AMERICAN MEDIA   
          HID FROM AMERICA for the corporate-police-state:     

               You're only as FREE as They'll Let You Believe:          
        Political dissent gets beat-down in these streets!          

     Well, this rebellion is one that will not cease.

This rebellion is the coming of a new age. This rebellion is the freedom we've been promised as political systems are put into place and manipulated in order to make the people believe they already have "freedom".

Nothing to see  here - You're already free ...
Pay no attention to the men behind the curtain.

In today's capitalist world - the world of central banking schemes - "freedom" is the choice between coke and pepsi, bloods or crips, democrats or republicans. Those willing to accept this inherently flawed false choice, have clearly missed the point; the only "choice" being presented is 'cola, or cola?'

And we've beaten our chests and waved our flags while casting a vote for Wall Street imperialism and world conquest disguised as 'national security' - every time. 

     We know what Wall Street wants. More for themselves and less for the people. They want war. They want war not because they were raised by Hitler, or Dr. Evil, but because it makes them money - and that is their only concern. They want the people to believe that we are diseased and that we need to buy drugs to perfect our 'naturally flawed' state.

They want people to purchase high-cost drugs at high volumes - but not natural drugs. Oh no. Nature cannot be legally patented, and therefore cannot be claimed ownership of by a greed-driven consumption machine we call a for-profit corporation.

This is why the less harmful natural cures are always under constant attack by the chemical companies and their FDA and DEA lackeys. You have no right to choose what to put into your body, unless it is patented by a giant pharmaceutical/chemical company, so far as the corrupt corporate-state is concerned.
As long as they are getting paid, you have a 'choice' between their many different brands of the same cola product. How does it feel to have your 'choices' controlled for you in advance? 

   8,000 Protesters Arrested 
 Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]


is a FAILURE at best