Controlled Media Supports Corporate-State War Industry

 On the controlled and phony U.S. corporate-state 'news' media:  
"Look at the charade of nightly news. I don't own a t.v. so I only get it in bursts, but I was in the gym the other night, watching Katie Couric - who I find repugnant - but she was on the screen talking about some 29 year old congressman with great abs who was on the cover of Men's Health. I said this is just lunacy and I switched it to NBC and it was the same story. It's funny on the one hand, but for those of us - and I've spent 20 years of my life reporting outside of the United States - it's terrifying. It's absolutely terrifying." - Chris Hedges

   8,000 Protesters Arrested 
 Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]


is a FAILURE at best