Current USA: Largest Police-State in Human History

FACTS on the Current USA: 
  • More inmates per capita than any other nation on Earth. 
  • For-profit prisons sell slave-labor to other US corporations, who then slash jobs. 
  • Outdone in executions by only China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq, the US is the only nation in the western hemisphere to still claim authority to 'punish' by execution.
  • 3-strikes laws keep non-violent offenders imprisoned; lobbied into law by for-profit, private prison corporations - which have also been caught paying kick-backs (bribes) to judges. 

Oh yeah - and the largest Domestic Spying apparatus ever known to man
Hitler would be amazed. His "Jewish Threat" propaganda's got nothing on our "Terrorist Threat" propaganda. You're still more likely to be struck by lightening than to ever come in contact with an actual terrorist. Most sensationalized news stories of "terrorists caught" actually turn out to be working for the FBI or CIA. Those stories don't seem to settle the public though, not after the impact of their scarier previous versions - where the FBI or CIA informant/asset is reported as an actual terrorist, and the public s#!ts itself. Now THAT sells papers! All of that fear and danger being dispelled by revealing that the FBI is actually responsible for MOST of the reported 'terrorist threats' it ends up taking credit for 'putting a stop to' - this is not profitable information. The media scares the public, for the people in power, who use police agencies, to spy on the public, as well as to scare the public, to increase budgets, and grow police agencies... until apparently, one day there simply is no more 'public'. At this rate the people in power can already listen to you RIGHT NOW if they choose to, and their grip is ever tightening. Keep laughing, America.

We've been too distracted, scared, and overworked to realize what we've been creating of ourselves. Like it or not, by every single standard, the US is currently the absolute largest police-state in human history. The people are so propagandized, we fight against even such a suggestion. Why? What purpose does refusal to consider this such definitive language serve? We are being watched, listened in on, tracked, and monitored in every moment, by the state. The people mock those who dare to point out their chains - and ignore the chains themselves. Authoritarian propaganda has become common language. The majority who fall for it, ridicule those who question it. What did you think it was like to live under authoritarian rule? Did you think the people were led to believe they are being repressed? Of course not. They are taught to viciously and violently defend the status quo.

YES, this IS what a "Police-State" looks like!
TV watchers are the worst off. Radio listeners as well. What they call 'news' is only the NEW talking points of the regime. Ours pretends to have two sides. Equally divided, and therefore equally conquered. They're all playing for the same team in actuality, and those who aren't, don't get to stay long in government. And here we are - all of us - being spied on by the government we were supposed to be watching vigilantly! It is not the job of any government to spy on its people, it is the job of the people to be ever watchful of those working in government. When the government asserts its own fictitious right to keep secrets, there is authoritarianism. When the people assert their true right to privacy - and their true power over the information and architecture of their own government - only then is there liberty.


The US government currently has 'counter-terrorism' files on EVERY SINGLE citizen - and the files grow with every communication you make, every opinion expressed.

Who is a "terrorist"? Today, anti-terrorism hype is being used against political dissidents of all kinds. Protesters are being labeled as "terror threats" by federal forces. When the corporate-state government gets caught spying on journalists, or using its agencies against political groups, their complicit corporate-state media partners help them spin the story. Suddenly, a government abusing power against political dissent within a supposedly free society, becomes a divisive story about partisans using agencies against "liberal" or "conservative groups" - and eventually the public remains evenly divided rather than outraged over governmental abuses and intrusions on speech and dissent. Somehow, through the Boston bombing story, now the US government is attempting to redefine "WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION" as, well, any old bomb. Once upon a time, it was absurd to think that the US government would assert 'executive privilege' can keep a president from being held accountable to Congress, let alone that an executive would assume openly, the authority to assassinate Americans at will, or indefinitely imprison Americans without the right to a fair and speedy trial - but that's exactly what this government has been doing and writing into 'law' in order to make it look like they have the actual authority to do it. They don't. They never did. Nor have they ever been entitled to ignore all international law in regard to the torture of human beings, or respecting the sovereignty of nations. Don't tell THEM that, though. You'll likely end up on a "terrorist watch list". Oh, that's right - you already are!


  [ter-uh-riz-uhm]  Show IPA
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

au·thor·i·tar·i·an adj.
1. Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom: an authoritarian regime.
2. Of, relating to, or expecting unquestioning obedience. See Synonyms at dictatorial.

   8,000 Protesters Arrested 
 Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]


is a FAILURE at best