So You Say You Want a Revol... a Solution?

     All of the technologies presented within this video [below] are not only available today, but have been available for decades. Equality never limits possibilities. Equality eliminates the needs of all people. It is not a lack of resources on Earth, that has lead to the starving deaths of about 30,000 children every single day, non-stop war under non-stop re-branding of 'the ever-present threat' of the day, violent crime, mental and emotional illness, carcinogenic pollution, domestic violence, substance abuse, alcoholism - and it's not the institutional lie of 'inherent human evil' either. It is the feudalistic forced servitude of our current socio-economic systems, particluarly the human devaluation through debt-slavery; a system forced upon natural born human beings by the armed insistence that claimed financial wealth determines who eats and who starves. 

Richard Wilkinson's life work proves in flat fact, that the greater the perceived disparity gaps through a society, the greater the ills of individuals within that society - on every measurement: stress, depression, anxiety, life expectancy, illness, prison populations, drug-abuse, teen pregnancy, violence, infant mortality, and more. The general consensus within a society on the value of human life, essentially determines the health and quality of life for each individual within that society. For more detail, click on the link provided.

"Utopia, if it's ever established, will die - will stagnate. Whereas, what I'm talking about - an evolving culture, or an emerging culture - I have no notions of a perfect society. I don't know what that means. I know we can do much better than what we've got. I'm no Utopian. I'm not. I'm Humanist - I would like to see everyone living in warmth and harmony. I know that if we don't live that way, we'll kill each other and destroy the Earth." ~ Engineer, Jacques Fresco

We submit as proof of Jacques' assertation; the current state of human affairs across the planet Earth, during what we have the audacity to declare as a time of human "civilization".

A government of for-profit corporations will never willingly let go of their armed control over the land and the people. The technologies presented by Jacques Fresco of The Venus Project, have long been known to world governments. Technologies that free the people from corporate need are often suppressed by those corporations who have the most to 'lose' financially from better technological implementation. The monetary system is collapsing, as Jacques Fresco predicted. As he explains, it could have only happened as it is happening now; global economic implosion. Much of his part in the above posted video, is from a 2004 interview. Some is from an interview as old as 1974.

The only way to a truly free society, is to remove all of the corruption, by removing all of the power of the corrupt, along with societal motivations to be unfair to others. The Earth has enough for everyone. The funny thing about 'property rights' is that, when they are enforced by the corrupt, the claimed property usually has a way of ending up in fewer hands over time. More property for fewer people is less Earth provisions for the more people. This is how debt-slavery begins.

The current socio-economic American led system of capitalism, is collapsing. Anyone who understands modern currency creation and basic math knows that it cannot and will not recover. It is designed only to inflate, and the Fed has done everything possible to expand the inflation of the dollar beyond all previously imaginable limits - and mostly in secret. They have been purposely deflating the value of the currency, secretly printing more money than the entire national debt - and giving it to banks.

The people of the United States will have to pay the Fed back the secret $16 TRILLION given for free to banks (instead of paying off the national debt with it) plus interest. The majority of the US national debt is owed by the people of the United States, to the Federal Reserve Bank. Regardless of this elaborate banking scheme which defrauds entire nations of people - that we submit to such antiquated belief systems in the first place, is the greater social dysfunction.

Money is nothing but a tool. It is being used by the wealthy to continually power-grab through debt and property claims from the masses of poor, working class people. That's how it was designed, and that's how it has been implemented, at the least since the founding of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913, just one-hundred years ago. But money is nothing more than an idea. It's a fictitious value system which has worked to perpetuate a world of corruption, deception, war, fear, violence, illness, and waste.

Sustainable economics which respects and harmonizes with life on Earth is not only possible, it's long been available. We need only to readjust our belief systems and values if we are to achieve greater than the great fiction made real, of a human world which cannot seem to evolve beyond competition and servitude. The change starts within. The technology waits for us. All things are possible. We must first choose to believe in a better world, if we are to implement one. Belief in equality does not diminish, but enhances our human potential, both as societies and as individuals. Believe in equality. 

For more on the already realized technological 
solutions presented by Jacques Fresco, 

   8,000 Protesters Arrested 
 Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]


is a FAILURE at best