Conan O'Brien Exposes Mass Media Control

Some people think they are safe from mass-media manipulation and monied PR controls over broadcasting, if they only stick to their local news media coverage. Think again. Every single thing that is broadcast or published, is scripted, bought, and paid for by manipulative & selfish corporate interests

Conan O'Brien has taken to laughing at the script control that capitalist interests have over our national communications systems. Most people do not notice the broad control wielded by corporate interests across local 'news' media because it is localized and therefore, compartmentalized 

When we only have access to our own local 'news' we don't see that the same script is being used across the nation to help sell products, services, fear, racism, anxiety, war, and authoritarian obedience at a level most accurately termed 'mass-media control'

Most hard-working Americans find it hard to believe that even their local media outlets are controlled at the top by very few, yet enormous corporate interests. It has been designed to give the illusion of authenticity. Anchors and 'on-air personalities' are selected through a rigorous process of market-testing to ensure that the public in a location is willing to view them as 'likable' and 'trustworthy' 

These two important traits help the large corporations sell products, services, and government propaganda to the general public, one family at a time. As long as you are willing to trust their 'news-reader' all the giant corporations who pay their salaries have to do, is provide them with what information they'd like you to believe, consume, and repeat

Most Americans see only a friendly face on the screen. Why would that face deceive us? Well, it's not necessarily the job of a 'news-reader' to deceive anyone, but it's also not their job to tell the truth

Their job is to read what script is provided to them in a manner that seems conversational; as though it is naturally coming from themselves. This is the factor of compartmentalization that most outside of the industry never suspect. That's why it works. The 'news-reader' is paid to make someone else's script sound believable and trustworthy, without any requirement necessarily, of truth, relevance, or intent. The intent is always to make money. The only intention of the few, but very large corporations who own and control most US media and communications systems, is to advance their own interests of making money. They are not operating a public service

There simply is no true free press in the US, if there ever was. There is only very expensive press coverage. It serves the interests of the wealthy and the war-mongering. Corporate press exists to advance corporate interests, including the corporate interests of the US government

Some may think;
'Surely our government would regulate such things...?'

These are the people who still somehow believe that there is a government. This is not the case now, if ever it was. The government is an enormous enforcement arm of corporate policy, and has been for quite some time. It is also, as it stands today, nothing but a for-profit conglomerate of giant US for-profit corporations 

The corporate US government uses corporate media to manipulate the masses, just as other enormous for-profit corporations do, and just as the 5-company control of Media in the US manipulates the 'government' (which they own) to do its bidding. Such as - destroying earlier laws which kept such concentration of American Communications & Information systems into so few hands, illegal

When BRIBERY becomes normalized as 'business' in Washington (or anywhere) CORRUPTION is the obvious outcome, and it is always at the expense of the people

Regardless of who is planting the stories, the angles, the spin, the marketing disguised as 'news' - the 'likable' news-reader is but a paid performer. They collect a check for reading corporately produced scripts and making them sound believable so that the public will accept it as truth, believe it and repeat it. Welcome to The Matrix. Now, would you like to keep being used and manipulated, or will you separate yourself from the programming?

Media-Government Collusion For War & Power
"In 2005, the Bush White House admitted to producing videos that were designed to look like news reports from legitimate independent journalists - and then feeding those reports to media outlets as prepackaged reports, ready to air on the evening news. When the Government Accountability Office ... READ MORE

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 Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]


is a FAILURE at best