US & NATO Advance Long-Planned Overthrow of Syria with Same Lies & Tactics as in Iraq, Libya, elsewhere

If the US Government's war propaganda against Syria sounds familiar it may be because it's the same war-starting strategy used to invade, overthrow, and exploit many other sovereign nations in recent years. Libya was a western war of aggression to overthrow the most successful and independent nation on the African continent [click the this link to learn why] -- one with a DEBT-FREE currency, rather than the preferred debt-based currency entrapment of western central banking practices 

Libya's people were truly more 'free' than western nations in a very literal sense. They had no debt built in to their currency. Such a system is a clear economic threat to western banking practices, which rely on creating debt 

In 1975, the CIA admitted to using the mainstream media
to manipulate the thoughts and ideas of American citizens

Click HERE  for more on CIA propaganda against US citizens
Ours is a system of debt-creation, plus interest. An obvious insanity to any real world economist. An obvious debt-enslavement of the people to the private interests that the majority of American taxes go to. It's an economic scheme of wealth transfer upward, but this is another topic (which we've already covered in depth)

In short, Islamic banking forbids the usury which currently enslaves the people of western nations, with or without our knowledge of real world economics. This is in part, the reason Libya was able to build itself into a modern socialist success story. A story that some powerful western capitalists desperately wanted to rewrite, while keeping Gaddafi from exposing the charade of western economics - as he was doing a very good job of prior to his overthrow and assassination

Gaddafi's approval rating was much higher than any branch of the US government and his security detail was minimal while traveling within his own country. Western governments without nearly his approval ratings told the world he was a tyrant who must be ousted, however 

In fact, he provided for his people with a focus on equality which promised to house every citizen even before housing his own father, who passed away prior to being housed by Gaddafi's commitment to house every citizen. The initiative to do so was considered a matter of civil humanity, and a god given right to shelter in a world whose technology certainly provides more than enough

Insurgent militants from outside of the country were ushered in and armed by covert CIA operations. In particular, the "rebel forces" in Libya (so-called by western/US media) was actually Al Qaeda, according to Gaddafi at the time. His account has since been verified by several mainstream news organizations - but conveniently, only after they worked to advance the US/NATO mission which ended his life and shattered a previously independent and successful culture

Western media told the world that large crowds who took to Libyan streets to show their support for Gaddafi and their sovereign nation against foreign invasion, were anti-Gaddafi protests, and hoped no one would know any better

Western capitalist media outlets lied to the world about what was really taking place in Libya, as the CIA worked to assemble a "rebel force" which as it turns out, was mostly comprised of foreigners, including Al Qaeda - itself a CIA creation, according to many sources including a 2004 BBC documentary which has been mysteriously disappearing from the internet since the CIA recently got caught covering up their covert operations, out of Benghazi, Libya

The most powerful, heavily armed people in the world do not take chances.  They write strategies and scripts years in advance of what they aim to accomplish:

"...we're going to take out seven countries in 
five years, starting with Iraq, and then 
Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan 
and, finishing off, Iran."
with a Pentagon official (prophetically) back in 2007
about what is happening NOW

Don't be fooled again

   8,000 Protesters Arrested 
 Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]


is a FAILURE at best