US GOV'T War-Propaganda Against Syria Proves False [VIDEO]

On the White House's audacious claims of "Common-Sense" in lieu of "Evidence": When we've been repeatedly LIED to and deceived by war making politicians, who are funded by weapons manufacturers and western central bankers, we'll need more than the worthless words of professional liars before we're willing to let them wage ONE single more WAR in our names

Common Sense:

When the US & UK governments are notorious for LYING about "evidence" for WAR - they now have to provide ACTUAL "evidence" of their claims. If Assad is the one responsible for the gas, PROVE that. Common-sense dictates it as a necessity BEFORE waging war, especially when the aggressive military actions being discussed, are being discussed by governments who currently have ZERO credibility


The US has been desperate to invade IRAN for decades and is well aware of IRAN's defense treaty with Syria. The US was also quick to blame Assad for chemical attacks earlier this year - which quickly turned out to be gas attacks by the "rebel" forces. Why so quick to act? They want to invade IRAN. They've wanted to for a long time

* Google "7 countries in 5 years"
then turn OFF your television

* search YouTube for "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" to learn more of the backstory - and what this war-push is really all about

"Fool Me once, shame on you. Fool Me twice ..."

   8,000 Protesters Arrested 
 Not A Single Banker Indicted [link]


is a FAILURE at best